ZentaiSkeleton's Pool Rules

From MortiWiki

Pre Swim

  1. sprintsuit + T-shirt
  2. Kneeskin + T-shirt
  3. Plain zoggs + Cycle shorts + T-shirt
  4. Funky Zoggs + Cycle shorts + T-shirt
  5. Diveskin + T-shirt
  6. White Tights + White long sleevel lycra shirt + T-shirt
  7. sprintsuit + T-shirt
  8. Kneeskin + T-shirt
  9. Plain zoggs + Cycle shorts + T-shirt
  10. Tights + Hoody



  1. Jammers
  2. Tights
  3. Kneeskin
  4. Zoggs + Shorts
  5. Zoggs on own
  6. Jammers
  7. Tights
  8. Kneeskin
  9. Kneeskin
  10. tights


Post Swim

  1. Sprintsuit + T-shirt
  2. Sprintsuit
  3. Zoggs + Cycle Shorts + T-shirt
  4. Zoggs + Cycle Shorts
  5. White Tights + White long sleevel lycra shirt + T-shirt
  6. Sprintsuit + T-shirt
  7. Leotard and baggy shorts
  8. Zoggs + Cycle Shorts + T-shirt
  9. Tights and hoody
  10. Sprintsuit + T-shirt



Pre swim

  1. Only put shorts and T-shirt on when pull up in pool car park
  2. Remove T-shirt just before or as entering locker room
  3. Remove cycle shorts just before or as entering locker room


Extras Post swim

  1. No T-shirt allowed
  2. Remove shorts when back at car
  3. Remove t-shirt at car
