Schweinehund's progress
This page will report the benefits and penalties Schweinehund has earned. For details of his tasks, see Schweinehund.
The date listed below is for the Saturday, and summarises the benefits and penalties earned for the week from Sunday up to that Saturday (including events on that day but not including the lottery task assigned that day). If the date listed is in the future, the section is recording ongoing figures for the partial week up to the Saturday.
In addition to all the benefits and penalties listed here, Schweinehund will be locked for a secret number of days (determined by random selection) which will not be revealed until the time has passed.
Summary so far...
- Benefit 6 day 9 hours
- Penalty 22 days 7 hours
- Task penalty 21 days
Total 36 days 22 hours penalty
Plus a random number of days (at least 41) from a start date of 1st March 2014.
The earliest release date is 17th May, with an average of 4th June.
Up to 10th
- Tuesday, Mortice wore a buttplug for 2 hours - 2 hours penalty
- Wednesday, Mortice wore a buttplug for 1 hour - 1 hour penalty
Up to 3rd
- Monday, Mortice wore a rubber jock for 13 hours - 13 hours penalty
- Friday, Schweinehund wore a rubber jock for 14 hours and a buttplug for 1 hour - 15 hours bonus
- Saturday, Schweinehund wore a rubber jock for 16 hours - 16 hours bonus
Mortice FAILED to wear a buttplug for a sufficient time, so Schweinehund will earn 3 times usual rate for plug wearing next week.
Total 1 day 7 hours benefit but 13 hours penalty
Aggregate 18 hours bonus (first time there's been an aggregate bonus!)
(although tasks agreed to be deferred and results of task not yet reported)
- Monday, Mortice ruined an orgasm - 12 hours penalty
- Tuesday, Mortice wore a rubber jock for 14 hours - 14 hours penalty
- Wednesday, Mortice ruined an orgasm twice and wore a buttplug for 4 hours - 1 day 4 hours penalty
- Thursday, Mortice ruined an orgasm while in a public toilet - 1 day penalty
- Friday, Mortice ruined an orgasm and wore a rubber thong for 17 hours - 1 day 5 hours penalty
Schweinehund FAILED both tasks
- Sunday, Mortice wore rubber shorts 6 hours - 6 hours penalty
- Sunday, Schweinehund wore a buttplug for 8 hours - 8 hours benefit
- Monday, Mortice wore a buttplug for 2 hours - 2 hours penalty
- Monday, Schweinehund wore a buttplug for 2 hours - 2 hours benefit
- Wednesday, Schweinehund wore rubber for 15 hours - 15 hours benefit
- Thursday, Schweinehund wore rubber for 13 hours and a buttplug for 5 hours - 18 hours benefit
- Thursday, Mortice wore a rubber shortie suit and buttplug for 4 hours - 12 hours penalty
- Saturday, Schweinehund wore a buttplug for 3 hours and rubber for 10 hours - 13 hours benefit
- Saturday, Mortice wore rubber shorts for 6 hours - 6 hours penalty
- Mortice wore a chastity device continuously from 9am Wednesday to 9pm Friday - 60 hours penalty
Total 2 day 8 hours benefit but 3 days 14 hours penalty
Aggregate 1 day 6 hours penalty
- Monday, Mortice ruined an orgasm - 12 hours penalty
- Tuesday, Mortice ruined an orgasm - 12 hours penalty
- Tuesday, Schweinehund wore rubber for 12 hours and a buttplug for 2 hours - 14 hours benefit
- Thursday, Mortice wore rubber shorts 15 hours - 15 hours penalty
- Thursday, Schweinehund wore a buttplug for 7 hours - 7 hours benefit
- Friday, Mortice wore cycle shorts in public for 6 hours - 6 hours penalty
- Saturday, Schweinehund wore rubber for 13 hours - 13 hours benefit
- Saturday, Schweinehund FAILED task - 7 days penalty
Total 1 day 10 hours benefit but 1 days 21 hours penalty plus 1 week task penalty
Aggregate 11 hours penalty plus 1 week task penalty
- Friday, Mortice wore rubber jock for 18 hours - 18 hours penalty
Total 18 hours penalty
- Sunday, Mortice wore chastity device for 11 hours - 11 hours penalty
- Sunday, Schweinehund wore large buttplug 9 hours - 9 hours benefit
- Wednesday, Mortice wore rubber jock to work for 14 hours - 14 hours penalty
- Wednesday, Schweinehund wore large buttplug 10 hours - 10 hours benefit
- Wednesday, Schweinehund FAILED sleepsack task - 7 days penalty
- Mortice wore chastity device continuously from 6pm Sunday to 8pm Friday - 5 days 2 hours penalty
Total 19 hours benefit but 6 days 3 hours penalty plus 1 week task penalty
Aggregate 5 days 8 hours penalty plus 1 week task penalty
- Sunday, Schweinehund wore large buttplug 3 hours - 3 hours benefit
- Tuesday, Mortice wore rubber thong, jock and shorts for 2 hours - 6 hours penalty
- Thursday, Schweinehund wore large buttplug 3 hours - 3 hours benefit
- Friday, Schweinehund wore large buttplug 4 hours - 4 hours benefit
- Friday, Mortice wore rubber jock to work for 9 hours - 9 hours penalty
- Saturday, Schweinehund wore large buttplug 3 hours - 3 hours benefit
- Saturday, Mortice wore chastity device for 14 hours - 14 hours penalty
Total 13 hours benefit, 1 day 5 hours penalty.
Aggregate 16 hours penalty
- Thursday, Mortice wore rubber jock for 14 hours and rubber teeshirt for 4 hours - 18 hours penalty
Total 18 hours penalty
- Sunday, Mortice wore rubber shorts+tee-shirt for 7 hours - 14 hours penalty
- Monday, Mortice wore rubber jock for 14 hours - 14 hours penalty
- Tuesday, Mortice wore rubber shorts for 9 hours and buttplug for 2 hours - 11 hours penalty
- Wednesday, Mortice wore rubber thong for 9 hours - 9 hours penalty
- Thursday, Mortice wore rubber jock for 9 hours - 9 hours penalty
- Friday, Mortice wore rubber shorts for 9 hours, and a rubber wetsuit to a fetish club for 6 hours - 15 hours penalty
- Saturday, Schweinehund FAILED task - 7 day penalty
Total 3 days 0 hours penalty plus 1 week task penalty
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