
From MortiWiki

A log of stuff involved with regular jogging

May 2104

Date Time Distance meters Top Bottom Kink Other Blue pedometer Red pedometer
9th 6pm 750 Sleeveless top Nylon shorts
10th 10am 750 Sleeveless top Cycle shorts
11th Midday 750 Cycle top Cycle shorts
12th 9pm 750 Cycle top Cycle leggings Chastity device
13th 6pm 750 Cycle top Mesh shorts over tiny red satin shorts Rubber jock and chastity device
14th 7pm 870 Sleeveless top Short nylon shorts Chastity device 808
15th 6pm 870 Vest top Unpadded cycle shorts Rubber jock and chastity device CB formed a bulge not very well hidden by the vest, felt a little self-conscious! 779 804
16th 6pm 870 Vest top Lycra triathlon suit Under orders to stop at a public toilet and cum (but ruin and eat it) Had groin strain after last one so took a few days off
19th 6pm 870 Vest top Short nylon shorts 778 844
20th 6pm 1110 Teeshirt Cycle leggings Rubber jock 1070 1096
21st 6pm 1110 Teeshirt Cycle bib shorts Small steel buttplug 1020 1110
22nd 6pm 870 Teeshirt Cycle bib shorts Small steel 'asslock' buttplug connected to cockring Odd niggle in right knee so cut run short 788 893
26th 10am Long sleeved top Cycle leggings Chastity device Raining! Still had odd niggle in right knee so halved the run

June 2014

Date Time Distance meters Top Bottom Kink Other
5th 6pm 750 Vest top Tight Lycra triathlon suit Light run, easing knees in
9th 9pm 750 Teeshirt Normal baggy shorts Rattler buttplug (didn't feel any rattle) Recorded path on phone GPS, claims 728 meters
11th 6pm 870 Sleeveless teeshirt Short nylon shorts
12th 6pm 870 Short vest top Shiny Lycra shorts (no padding) First time running in sandals.

Pedometers, Red=810, Blue=849

13th 6pm 870 Short vest top Lycra unitard (no padding) In rubber shoes, not too comfortable though
14th 9am 870 Lycra padded triathlon suit Butt plug First time running in one-piece gear without covering, horny to wear, quite self-conscious but no incident
15th 4pm 1110 Lycra padded cycle skinsuit First time running in skinsuit, felt good to wear out
17th 6pm 870 Lycra padded cycle skinsuit Butt plugged and in chastity device (since midday) The plug felt like it was slipping out on the whole run (otherwise I would have gone longer) although it didn't come out
17th 9pm 800 Vest top Tight Lycra triathlon suit Chastity device (still on from earlier) Ran to post box then around the block. Wore transparent rubber deck shoes, quite comfortable and quirky
18th 6pm 1110 Vest top Tight Lycra shorts (wearing as underwear all day) Butt plug and rubber thong Wore transparent rubber deck shoes but felt trainers would feel better
19th 10pm 870 Lycra padded trathlon suit Cockring Took alternative route which involved a short bit of a quite public street at the start - no-one noticed though
20th 6pm 1110 Short vest top Lycra shorts (no padding) Cockring
21th 10am 1110 Lycra unpadded unitard Felt fairly naked!
22nd 10am 820 Lycra padded triathlon suit Butt plug attached to cockring Started run along busy local road
23rd 6pm 870 Short vest top Lycra shorts, no padding
25th 11am 820 Lycra padded cycle skinsuit Rubber teeshirt, rubber unitard and rubber buttplug The plug slipped out half way around but was not lost due to the rubber. I started and ended the run along a busy road
25th 6pm 870 Tight little vest top 'Onionskin' jogging shorts Buttplug Outfit felt very 'right' for jogging although also felt like it was hardly there
26th 6pm 870 Lycra padded cycle skinsuit Rubber cockring Raining
27th 6pm 870 Lycra padded cycle skinsuit Rubber jock
28th 6pm 870 Lycra dive suit - long arm/legs (aka catsuit) Small butt plug

First time I jogged all the way around route without stopping! Perhaps due to trying not to start too quickly, had easy pace all the way around. Had to wear cotton g-string under dive suit to keep bulge under control - first time I've worn a long-arms/legs one piece suit too

29th 6pm 870 Lycra padded cycle skinsuit Buttplug and ball stretching padlock GPS said 747 metres, although it cut some corners
30th 6pm 870 Lycra padded cycle skinsuit Chastity device

July 2014

Date Time Distance meters Top Bottom Kink Other
2nd 6pm 870 Lycra vest top 'Onionskin' shorts Chastity device and rubber jock Very short shorts only just covered the jock straps
3rd 6pm 870 Lycra padded triathlon suit Chastity device, buttplug and rubber unitard Very hot day, hotter in rubber, trathlon suit felt good to run in
6th 10am 1110 Lycra unpadded unitard Neighbours saw me leaving home wearing not very much, but they didn't say anything
8th 8pm 700 Lycra padded cycle skinsuit Jogged a round route to local public toilet (700m) to jerk off (not allowed to cum at home) then jog home (400m)
8th 8pm 870 Vest top Lycra shorts Buttplug and rubber shorts under I'd worn the rubber shorts under Lycra shorts under suit all day, so technically ran in my underwear

Interested in any suggestions how I could 'spice up' this process.