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Revision as of 13:42, 11 May 2013

No, bear with me, not quite as mad as it sounds...

I like the idea of giving control of my cock to someone who then lets me know when I'm allowed to touch and use it. Since I don't have anyone to do that, I thought about other 'models' for considering myself as not owning my bits but getting access to them with some sort of limitations involved.

One way of doing this is to think in terms of it being owned by someone/something from which I have to rent it back. Such as the cock in question being owned by a charity, so any time I want to make use of their cock I have to make a donation to them. Of course, they don't need to know anything about the arrangement, they'll just get random contributions.

I would decide on a 'tarrif', which might be something like £1 per orgasm and £1 per hour of touching. And perhaps, to make it interesting, after an orgasm if there's another within 24 hours then that costs £2, and so on. Perhaps putting cash in a box (nice to hear the chink of coin), then weekly online payment of the balance.

It would focus me on how much 'rental' I was doing and would make some (hard earned?) cash for charity too. My first thought was something like a cancer research charity, but it would be good if there were a suitable kink-oriented one, something perhaps like (very hot if they knew where the cash was coming from!)

[[[ That's something that could be done by anyone today. If it were popular, what would be really neat would be to take it further, and have a website with two roles - administering the above system for users and administering the charitable proceeds, distributing them amongst agreed charities.

The website could accept ownership of your genitals then allow you to configure your 'payment plan' and could administer things like payment acceleration within 24 hours. One really neat feature could be to enable other people to make a payment which then causes your charges to go up!

Such a website (not least the legal cash management side) would be a huge undertaking so I'm not suggesting doing that any time soon, but it's a nice thought. ]]]

So what do you think of the basic idea of charity genital ownership and rental? Do you 'get' what I'm 'getting at'? Anyone going to try it for a while? I think I might (just for perhaps a month as a trial) just to see if it 'feels' any different having to rent access to my cock.